
One Thing at a Time

I’ve been gone for a while. Life’s been busy and I was feeling overwhelmed so I had to take a break. But I’m back now, so let me fill you in on what I’ve been working on.

Back in September, I decided to participate in a test knit for a pullover sweater. At the time, I was also working on a cardigan for myself. So I ended up working on two bigger projects at the same time while also making some smaller things on the side, in addition to running a test knit for my blanket. As a result, I had a really hard time focusing and getting things done.

There’s a joke among the crafter and artist communities that we are always working on multiple projects at the same time. I’ve never really done that. I usually work on one thing at a time, but I might have a small side project or two if I know I can finish it in a few days. This was the first time I decided to knit two sweaters at the same time and I really didn’t like it. It was too hard for me to decide which one I wanted to work on. I sometimes felt like I spent more time trying to decide which one I wanted to knit rather than actually knitting. There were days where I just couldn’t pick either one up.

When I finished the body of my Down Time Pullover, I decided I would stop this one here. I was going to put it down and work on my Stripes Gone Crazy cardigan until it was done. It was hard though. There was a nagging feeling for me to work on the pullover, but I also really wanted to finish this cardigan.

I finally finished the cardigan this weekend! It took me just over three months, which seems so long to me. I had made the exact same one in the same size a few years ago and it only took a month. I think working on two projects at the same time really slowed me down.

Since I finished my cardigan, I can now focus on the pullover test knit. Hopefully, it will go faster now that it has my full attention. And from now on, I will focus on one thing at a time.

I started the hood this weekend and I’m excited about how it looks. I haven’t really been taking as many pictures of my projects and updating them on Ravelry as much lately, but I’ll try to improve on this.

I was supposed to finish the test knit for my blanket about three weeks ago. I ended up extending the deadline by two weeks to give the test knitters some more time, but also because I wasn’t ready to deal with the next steps. To be honest, I’m still not ready. But at this point, most of the test knitters have finished and I don’t really have anything that I’m waiting for, so I’ve set a deadline for myself. This week, I will find some time to read through the feedback from my test knitters. By next weekend, I will edit and finalize the pattern so that I can publish it before the end of the month. And if I don’t get to these things, I will update this blog post to hide my failure.

Until next time!